Emergence of Global Afrikan Civilization
Book Excerpt:
km dd.tn mAat/Kem Djed.ten Maat [To Be Black, Speak You Maat] Or Notes on sXr hiw/Sekher Hiu [Overthrowing the Beast]
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World the Instructions of Ptah-Hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1841 - 1251 KC [c. 2400 - 2990 BCE]
Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
Purchase Copy: https://sba-press.universitynewtimbuktu.africa/index.php?rt=product/product&product_id=124