anXyw – anX tAwy Division of Social Sciences

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anXyw – anX tAwy Division of Social Sciences

Mastery of the disciplines in the anXyw – anX tAwy Division of Social Sciences aids novitiates in comprehending the dynamic world around them by equipping them with techniques of reasoning and discernment of the complex interplay of Global Africans and others, environment, culture, and economy that compose their social world. They inquire, investigate, evaluate and interpret human and animal evolution, as well as the systemic transformation of human societies.

Furthermore, the novitiates consider and discuss the meaning of cultural, ethnic, and racial identities in Mapisi [Kiswahili: Ourstory] and current social settings. Novitiates rigorously analyze the role of labor, markets, and transactions, as well as the dynamics of political decision-making, participation, and socio-political institutions. Communication, inclusive of the Ulimwengu wa Hotuba [Kiswahili: Universe of Discourse], interpersonal dialogue to the various forms of mass media, and its effect on personal and political behavior are studied through the lens of the fields of the social sciences, while the effect of place and the natural environment are investigated through the lens of physical, political, economic, historical and cultural geography.

Underlying all of these topics is a drive to comprehend the nature of power and human behaviors and relationships through direct observation and the questioning of prevailing theories and social systems. In the anXyw – anX tAwy Division of Social Sciences novitiates learn the diverse methods of social, political, economic and environmental analysis, such as archaeology, linguistics, statistics, game theory, remote sensing and imagery, textual analysis, ethnography, geographic information systems, fieldwork, and ecology.

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