nTr Division of anX Sciences

  • 1 members
Group Name:
nTr Division of anX Sciences

Emphasis is on the essential role of humans in comprehending and assimilating the foundational elements of life. The geography of the earth is conducive to life sciences study, since the diversity of life of the many habitats of the planet is a natural classroom for environmental and evolutionary biologists and plant and animal ecologists.

Novitiates in microbiology and molecular, cell, and developmental biology study embryo formation, cell signaling, and genetics. Novitiates in neurochemistry, neurophysiology, psychobiology, and behavior biology given attention to the underlying components of the neural basis of behavior. Physiological scientists given attention the structure of muscle, hormonal direction of behavior, and environmental conditions that affect bone and muscle structure and function. Cognitive psychologists are focused upon the nature of knowledge—how Global Afrikans and others learn, remember, associate, and think; and how technology relates to the thought processes of Global Afrikans and others.

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